We Position, They Shoot

We Position, They Shoot

As parents and guardians, we hold a powerful responsibility: to position our children for success in life. It’s not just about what we say, but how we live, how we lead, and the example we set.

Let’s be honest—none of us are perfect. But that doesn’t give us a pass to sit back and coast. Growth isn’t optional; it’s essential. Our children need us to live in truth and grace, thriving as we raise them up to step into their destined place in this world. Besides, they are God's Masterpieces we are blessed to steward, who He creates anew in Christ Jesus to do the good He planned for them long ago. (Ephesians 2:10)

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Here’s the reality: Yes, each one of our children carry a unique identity and destiny. But don’t be fooled—there are forces, both seen and unseen, that will try to distort their identity to derail their destiny. So we need to parent them intentionally. Here’s the catch, whether we’re intentional or not…

Satan is.

Culture is.

Society is.

Media and Entertainment is...very intentional to vie for our children’s hearts and minds. 

So how do we, as parents, position and equip our kids to rise above the noise and corruption of today’s culture and the enemy of their soul? It starts with turning our hearts toward our children, as shepherds of our proverbial fold. Read how  Malachi 4:4-6 puts it:

”Remember the law of my servant Moses, the statutes and rules that I commanded him at Horeb for all Israel. Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the great and awesome day of the Lord comes. And he will turn the hearts of fathers to their children and the hearts of children to their fathers, lest I come and strike the land with a decree of utter destruction."

But how, you may ask? How do we turn our hearts to our children? Well, for starters here are Six Practical Tips for Raising Our Children to Rise in Today’s Culture: 

1. Pursue Your Own Spiritual Growth: As parents, guardians, and mentors, our spiritual health directly impacts our children. Dedicate time to your own growth through personal Bible study, prayer, worship, and discipleship or spiritual mentorship. Seek out resources, attend seminars, or join a church small group to deepen your understanding and practice of faith.

By intentionally growing in your own walk with God, you set a powerful example for your children and equip yourself to lead them more effectively. Your journey of growth shows them the importance of continual learning and spiritual development, reinforcing that faith is a lifelong pursuit.

2. Model Christlike Behavior: Our children learn more from what we do than what we say. Live out your faith daily—love, forgive, apologize, walk humbly, and persevere. Show them how to lean on God in every situation, especially when the going gets tough.

3. Teach Biblical Truths: Give your children a strong foundation in Scripture. Make Bible study and prayer a natural part of your family’s rhythm. Encourage them to memorize key verses and understand their meanings, so they’re ready to stand firm when their faith is tested.

4. Guard Their Hearts and Minds: Be mindful of the influences that enter your children’s lives—through media, friends, or activities. Teach them to discern what aligns with God’s truth and what doesn’t. Remind them of the importance of renewing their minds (Romans 12:2) and guarding their hearts (Proverbs 4:23).

5. Encourage Godly Friendships: Help your children build relationships with peers who share their faith and values. These connections will be crucial as they navigate a world that often pushes against their beliefs. Encourage them to get involved in church youth groups, Christian camps, and other spaces where they can grow spiritually and socially.

6. Pray Without Ceasing: Prayer is your strongest tool as a parent. Cover your children in prayer daily—asking God for wisdom, protection, and guidance. Prayer not only shapes their future but also anchors them in God’s will.

Raising our children to rise in this world is the family business. Let’s take that calling seriously and position them to be shooting stars in a world that desperately needs them to shine God’s light. 

 Together, let’s Raise Generations to Rise and Shine! 

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Thank you so much for sharing this! Intentionality is so important. I think as parents we often don’t realize the level of intentionality that the world has in shaping the minds of our children. The tips you share are so practical and so vital.

Christy Gottschall

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Marissa Rose Aulick

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